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Stat Text Pro Regular Oblique

Stat Text Pro is a sans serif font family. This typeface has eight styles and was published by Jure Kožuh.
Complementary Type Family Stat Display Pro

Stat Text Pro is an information design sans serif type family which was developed as a complementary to Stat Display Pro.
Complementary Type Family Stat Display Pro

Stat Text Pro is an information design sans serif type family which was developed as a complementary to Stat Display Pro.

Stat Text Pro retains many characteristics of its display counterpart, while giving readability a greater importance. It has simpler letter shape details which enable it to accomplish a constant rhythm whiles being read.

Its main intended use is to accompany Stat Display Pro in places where longer passages of text are needed. In this way the visual character of the composition is retained and at the same time readability of text is given attention.

As its display counterpart it has a large character set with multiple weights, which are defined by optimal size ratio, wide aperture and balanced counters. It contains nearly 700 glyphs, including diacritics, ligatures, small caps, old–style figures, arrows and more. This enables it to achieve wide language support. It consists of four weights (Light, Regular, Medium, Bold) which are accompanied by their corresponding obliques.

Stat Text Pro type family has higher than average x height (72% of cap height) which is accompanied by matching ascender and descender size ratios. The development of the type family was based on research in legibility to achieve highly legible letter shapes, while not diminishing their visual character.

Style Regular Oblique
Filename StatTextPro-RegularOblique.otf
Format CFF OpenType & TrueType
Foundry Jure Kožuh
Style Sans Serif

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